FAQs & Contact Us

About the program

About the rewards

Did the above not answer your query?

Please choose the most relevant tab below and fill out the form to contact the team!

Does your query not fall under any of the above catagories? Please fill out the below with as much detail so the team can assist further!

We are sorry to hear you have had issues registering your code.

'the code entered has already been used' Please first check you have entered your code correctly, if you have entered your code exactly as it appears on you paper, please then check your previous trips to see if you may have already registered this. Ensure to set the date range to 10 years to see all codes you have registered! 

'the code entered is incorrect' This may suggest you have mistyped your code, please double check the code provided and attempt to register again. Codes are case sensitive. Please also check to ensure any '0'/'1' (number) and 'O' 'I' (letters) are input correctly.

If you continue to have issue registering you code, please keep your code safe and fill out a contact us form below. Be sure to include the date and time you had received your code and also the code as a picture and in the message body so we can investiagte further!

We are sorry to hear your order has not arrived. We would expect it to be with you within 10 working days at most.

Should you have not recieved your order within 10 working days, please fill out the below form, please ensure to include the address you had requested delivery to so we can investigate further!

To log in, please enter your email address and password on https://www.coachdrivers.welcomebreak.co.uk/ 

If you are unsure of your password you can always request a link to create a new password on www.coachdrivers.welcomebreak.co.uk/password-reset 

Should you continue to have issues, please fill out the below form and ensure to include any email address' you may have registered under.

Food vouchers will only be given to you if you are registered.

All coach crew are eligible to a food voucher even if they have less than 20 passengers.

You can find further details here: https://www.welcomebreak.co.uk/about-us/coach-drivers/coach-drivers-policy/

If you feel you should have received a food voucher, or you would like to contact us in regards to the service you have recieved on site, please click the below link:

Submit a request – Welcome Break Customer Service